Quoting Made Easy

Created Especially for Job & Machine Shops

State-of-the-Art Estimating Software for the Metal Cutting Industry

Are your estimates / quotes taking too long to create?

Do you look up the same data over and over?

Do you create a “CNC” program just to get a total machining cost even though there may be a better way?

Do you do a lot of guesstimating? 

Competitively Priced

The VsEstimator© was written primarily for machine shop estimators. It is intended to standardize and streamline the lathe and machining center quoting processes. Putting your standard data (SFM’s, Feeds and machine data) into the attached database eliminates the constant need to search for data.

What if the requestor sent you only a 2D drawing and a 3D CAD drawing is not available? It can happen up to 50% of the time. Cover your bases. The VsEstimator© does not require a 3D CAD drawing to quote. Also, do you remember the old movies which show the designer sketching out his idea on a napkin? Well, the VsEstimator© can quote those manufacturing costs as well. 

The VsEstimator© is conversational and uses “Feature Input Quoting”. This means that the program will prompt you to enter physical sizes i.e., rough turn diameter (minor diameter) = 2.0”, initial diameter (major diameter) = 2.5” and the length (length to turn) = 4.0”. The number of passes (including the approach and cut depth) are calculated for you along with indirect times and speed and feed values. You, of course, retain editing control. 

The database initially contains standardized SFM and FEED values for hundreds of materials. This data, of course, can be modified to match your shop’s unique conditions and additional groups can also be added. You will also add your own machine data i.e., maximum RPM, Horsepower, approach lengths, burden rate, etc. These details reflect the actual equipment in your shop.

This software will eliminate most of the tedious hand calculations encountered in developing a detailed quote / estimate. All times, including loading, cut times, machine positioning times, operator fatigue time, etc. are accommodated. This will enable a machine shop to turn out quotes in a fraction of the time previously required. A Manufacturing / Industrial engineer can try out different scenarios before locking in on the most cost-effective method. A buyer will have a pretty good idea of what a part should cost before letting it out for quotes. A student will learn how to develop practical methods to manufacture parts. 

A routing print-out can be created which can contain detailed operations. You select the functions per operation, (face, drill, turn, thread, etc.in the order of occurence). The VsEstimator© software will then do the calculations for you. There are 42 different functions to choose from. Each can be used multiple times in a quote. One of these functions is generic (create your own). 

In the event you win the job, this data can be used to assist with creating your CNC program. Manual machines are also accomodated.  

Dealer Inquiries Welcome

The VsEstimator by the Vernon Software Co. LLC

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